Thursday, 21 April 2011

National Grid's reinforcement project

National Grid is currently 'consulting' on its North London Reinforcement Project to upgrade its  overhead lines that run from Waltham Cross Substation to Hackney Substation in London. Its distributed a leaflet (which isn't particularly easy to follow) and there's more info on its website on what's planned:
National Grid
The project has 5 key strands to enable the overhead lines to operate at a higher voltage of 400kV. These are:
1. replacing existing conductors along the entire route with wires that carry more power;
2. building significant new infrastructure at Waltham Cross Substation;
3. installing two replacement 400kV/132kV transformers at Brimsdown Substation;
4. diverting existing overhead lines around Tottenham Substation; and
5. undertaking work that already has consent at Hackney Substation.

The work at Hackney Substation consists of:-

  • Replacing two 400kV / 132kV transformers with new 400kV/66kV transformers

  • Connecting the upgraded Waltham Cross to Hackney overhead line to the substation

  • Removing 2 redundant 400kV /132kV transformers

It remains to be seen how much disruption it may cause for Millfields and its local residents. Lea Valley park users may also be disrupted with possible closures of towpaths, canals,  open spaces and nature reserves.

There's a consultation event at Nye Bevan Community Hall on 17 May (2pm - 8pm). Not sure why its called a consultation when National Grid are stressing it already has consent to proceed with the Hackney Substation work.

Thursday, 7 April 2011

National Grid and the masterplan

Hackney Council has finally responded to a Freedom of Information request submitted on 28 January regarding its contract with National Grid for its substation on Millfields. How's that for a lack of commitment by Hackney to the FOI legislation which requires them to respond within 20 working days?

The response confirmed, as was previously known, that National Grid pay £34k per annum for 7 years from 1 October 2007 and that  Hackney has so far received received payments totally £119k. What was not disclosed previously was that National Grid also paid Hackney £71k in 2009-10 for easement to lay electric cable within Millfields. Hackney have therefore confirmed that there is £190k available for spending on Millfields masterplan projects - not the £120k figure previously circulated by the Millfields User Group (MUG) Committee.

Interesting that the papers for next week's MUG  meeting (Monday 11 April @ 7 for 7.30 at Nye Bevan Comunity Hall, Overbury Street E5 0AH) suggest the masterplan projects are not going to be discussed (the focus is just to be on the biodiversity work), despite some of the projects getting ready to go - such as the pathway through the orchard on south Millfields.

Friday, 1 April 2011

Being inclusive

Update: 8 April : further discussion at: at what cost? and Chatsworth Road Facebook

Interesting debate taking place on Hackney Hive forum on the lack of representation from black and minority ethnic (BME) communities on the various overlapping groups (both in terms of geography and the people heading them) busy trying to promote gentrification to parts of Clapton (such as Chatsworth Road): Hackney Hive. This lack of engagement includes the Millfields User Group where issues have been picked up in past surveys of the Park but neither the Committee nor the Parks Department have done anything to address this. Membership and representation needs to better reflect the people who actually use the park.