National Grid
The project has 5 key strands to enable the overhead lines to operate at a higher voltage of 400kV. These are:
1. replacing existing conductors along the entire route with wires that carry more power;
2. building significant new infrastructure at Waltham Cross Substation;
3. installing two replacement 400kV/132kV transformers at Brimsdown Substation;
4. diverting existing overhead lines around Tottenham Substation; and
5. undertaking work that already has consent at Hackney Substation.
The work at Hackney Substation consists of:-
- Replacing two 400kV / 132kV transformers with new 400kV/66kV transformers
- Connecting the upgraded Waltham Cross to Hackney overhead line to the substation
- Removing 2 redundant 400kV /132kV transformers
It remains to be seen how much disruption it may cause for Millfields and its local residents. Lea Valley park users may also be disrupted with possible closures of towpaths, canals, open spaces and nature reserves.
There's a consultation event at Nye Bevan Community Hall on 17 May (2pm - 8pm). Not sure why its called a consultation when National Grid are stressing it already has consent to proceed with the Hackney Substation work.
There's a consultation event at Nye Bevan Community Hall on 17 May (2pm - 8pm). Not sure why its called a consultation when National Grid are stressing it already has consent to proceed with the Hackney Substation work.